Here's my latest!! I'm very happy with the way this turned out.
I did the whole thing in Paint.Net. This is an excellent program for the weekend digi-scrapper (and it's free!!).
I go the "paper, ribbon, and butterflies" for free simply by searching the web. Just type "free digital scrapbooking" in your web-browser and you'll get tons of hit.
Everything is it's own layer. That is, the paper is the background layer, the picture is layer 2, the ribbon is layer 3 and so on. This makes it super easy to manipulate the page later on if something isn't quite working the way I wanted it to.
The butterflies are on two distinct layers. For the bottom layer, I placed the butterflies in the corners, went to "Layers", "layer properties" and set the opacity to 111. In the next layer, I offset the butterflies and left them the way they came. This gives the nice shadowy image I was hoping for.
The font is called Scriptina. You can download it here.
If you click on the photo you'll get a bigger version of it and you can see that I modified the picture to look like an oil painting. On the layer that holds the picture, I selected the picture. Next I went to "effects, then Artistic, then Oil Painting". I set the brush size to 3 and the coarseness to 50.