This is a fun project that is very quick and easy.
I couldn't get a very good picture but they really look great in person!
I hope I explain this well enough. If you need more instructions just email me.
You will need the following items.

Printed paper or paper that you have stamped on. Cardstock is a little bit too thick. If you want to use cardstock then skip all the steps dealing with the thin chipboard.
Thin chipboard, such as the chipboard that Stampin' Up! puts in their designer paper as a stiffener.
Small hole punch and a large circle punch
Linen thread or some other means of making a "hanger"
Glue gun, Sticker maker or glue stick

First you will need to cut your paper so that it will go through your sticker maker. If you are going to glue your paper to the chipboard then it won't matter what size it is.
Put your paper through the sticker maker and mount it onto the chipboard.
Do the same with another piece of paper, either the same pattern, a contrasting or a complimentary pattern.

Mount the second piece by turning the chipboard over and mount it on the opposite side of the chipboard.
If you are using cardstock just stick the two pieces of cardstock together.

Punch out or cut 4 circles. The bigger your circles, the bigger your ornament.

When you have four circles you will need to cut slits in two of them. Only cut half way through each.

Then, make the same cut again, very close so that you end up with a "slot" that is tight.
Punch a hold in one of the circles with a slit punch. This is where you will put your linen thread for hanging.

Cut the remaining two circles completely in half.

Slide the two circles that are cut half-way through together.

With your glue gun, pipe a thin bead of glue along the inside edge of one of the wedges. Quickly stick one of the "halves" into place.
Continue with the remaining three half-circles until you go all the way around the ornament.

Now you have a cute ornament to hang. Use different types of paper for different holidays!!
The flash made the glue really show up but it doesn't show up that much in real life.